Horsemanship Classes

Building a Solid Foundation

From the Ground Up: Our approach starts with teaching students from the ground up. They learn essential skills like reading a horse’s behavior, walking with a horse, haltering, picking up feet, and proper grooming techniques.

Safety First: Safety is paramount. Students gain a thorough understanding of safety protocols, including how to make a horse stop, ensuring a secure and respectful environment.

Practical Lessons

Grooming and Preparation: Students spend around 25 minutes grooming and preparing the horse before the lesson. They learn to handle their own horse, enhancing their sense of responsibility.

Riding Time: Riding sessions last about 20 minutes, gradually increasing as students progress.

Quality Over Quantity: We emphasize quality instruction over rushing through lessons. Mastery takes time, and our patient approach yields confident and capable riders.

A Different Approach

Not Just Riding: Hearts and Horses Riding and Rescue stands apart from other schools. We’re not about jumping on a horse and going. We’re here to educate and guide.

Equine Welfare Advocacy: Our mission is to reduce horse abuse by educating horse enthusiasts. We aim to promote responsible ownership and ensure the well-being of every horse.

Progressive Learning

Step-by-Step Mastery: Each session builds upon the previous one, allowing students to accumulate knowledge gradually.

Time and Dedication: Achieving expertise takes time. We recommend a minimum of four lessons to lay a strong foundation.

Holistic Horsemanship

Beyond Riding: Our program extends beyond riding skills. Students have the opportunity to muck stalls and gain insight into the comprehensive care of horses.

Ownership Readiness: Graduates of our program are equipped not only with riding proficiency but also with the knowledge to care for their own horse.

Putting Horses First

Horse-Centered Philosophy: Horses come first. We never work our horses in temperatures exceeding 85 degrees to prioritize their well-being. 

Rain Policy: Even in unfavorable weather, we prioritize horse welfare. Riding is rescheduled when weather conditions are not ideal.

Contact us to get started